Thursday 1 March 2012

Storehouse Chatter
January and February have proved to be the busiest months on record. In January a total of 187 bags were given out, resulting from 15 different agencies and 7 non-agency requests. Of the total number of bags 60 were given out to clients referred by the local drugs agencies. In February a total of 181 bags were given out, resulting from 14 different agencies and 24 non-agency requests.
As a result of the ongoing high number of requests please keep the food coming in. We currently need the following items:
• UHT milk
• Cereals
• Tea (individually foil packets)
• Fish
• Pot noodles
• Tinned meat
• Tinned Vegetables
• Tinned potatoes
• Tinned desserts
• Food for people with no cooking facilities
In February Lindsay who is one of the Storehouse Team unfortunately fell over in the snow and broke her ankle, so will be missing from the team for some weeks. We pray for a swift and full recovery for her.
During the last few weeks we have welcomed Nicola, Yvonne and Maureen to the Team. It’s great to have these new people willing to serve in this way.
We have been greatly encouraged by one of the local Slimming World groups who now give regularly to the work of Storehouse, all because of one of the group members who also attends WSVC who mentioned the work of Storehouse. If you know of any groups or organisations that would be interested in supporting the work of Storehouse please contact us via the main office.
Thank you to all those who support the work of Storehouse. May you know God’s blessing as you serve Him in this way.
Andrew & Mary Soman

1 comment:

it support in bury said...

i like your post ,this is really encouraging for me
Keep it up !