Wednesday, 20 June 2007

URGENT Requests update plea(se)

Another busy week has seen nearly 20 bags leave the Vineyard Centre to various agencies and needy people in and around West Suffolk. Already so far this month we have given away as many bags as we did in the whole of June last year. As a result we are running low of just about everything apart from tinned soup and baked beans. So we are in urgent need of the following:
  • tinned meat and fish
  • tinned vegetables
  • instant mashed potato
  • tinned fruit and other desserts
  • pasta, rice, dry pasta meals, pot noodles etc
  • pasta sauces
  • cereals
  • tea, coffee, sugar
  • long life milk
  • all sorts of toiletries

As you can see from the picture, the cupboards really are quite bare, so any donations will be most welcome. And remember, one or two cans really can make a difference. Thank you.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Requests update...

In the last week alone we have given out 18 food bags, which meant that this morning there were no food bags left in the cupboards. Once the donations from Sunday had been unpacked, and new food bags made up, the shelves were looking fairly depleted again. In fact we are running really low on just about everything apart from tinned fruit, fish, baked beans and soup. If you would like specifics of what we need, here’s a list:

  • pasta and rice;
  • pasta sauces etc;
  • tinned meats;
  • tinned mixed vegetables;
  • tea, milk and sugar;
  • cereals;
  • all toiletries.

Please feel free to leave any donations at the Vineyard Centre, as well as at our Sunday celebrations. Thank you.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Requests update

Last June (2006), we received 42 requests for food bags, resulting in 49 food bags being given away. 31 of these requests were from Connexions, who offer advice and support for 13 - 19 year olds. This is the month when many young people will leave school and often it is now that they have to start fending for themselves, some with little or no family support. All of your donations of food and toiletries will be most welcome, but in particular we are running low on the following items:
  • cereals
  • dry pasta, rice and pasta sauces
  • tinned meat
  • tinned mixed vegetables
  • instant mashed potato
  • tea, coffee and sugar
  • all kinds of toiletries

May stats

In May, we received 39 requests for food bags which resulted in us giving away 48 food bags via 11 agencies plus non agency requests. It is wonderful how the food and toiletries continue to come in to replace all that has been given away.

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

1 + 1 = 1,500

First 1. Rachel Orriss was wondering how she might be able to raise £250 so that the Family Centre could hire a coach to take some needy children to the seaside for the day in the summer. She emailed the Vineyard Centre to see if there was anything we could do as a church…….

Second 1. Sheila Kendrick works in the finance department at Greene King and every year the staff raise a whole hatful of money for local charities. Someone asked her if she knew of any worthy local causes, and she suggested that they contact the Vineyard Centre…..

These two came in at the same time, and the result was a staggering £1,500 for the Bury Family Centre, enabling them to have two coach trips to the seaside and pay for ice creams for all the children, as well as having various activities and special events laid on at the Family Centre in Bury St Edmunds. For children who might not otherwise have the chance to get to the seaside this summer, these trips will be a really welcome treat. And the ongoing support and workshops etc that the rest of the money will provide will be really valuable. A huge thank you goes to all the staff at Greene King, and to the company too, who doubled up what the staff had raised. In total, £16,000 was given out to a number of local charities, of which the Family Centre was just one, and the more eagle-eyed amongst you might have spotted a report of this in the Bury Free Press on 1st June. You might also have seen an article recently in the Mercury and the East Anglian Daily Times highlighting the number of children living in deprivation in and around Bury St Edmunds. It’s great that when a report like this comes out we can see something positive being done in the community to help those in need. And it's great too to see how God really can make amazing things happen.