At this time of year, as local schools and churches celebrate harvest, it is wonderful that some of them choose to donate their non perishable harvest items to Storehouse. Sometimes we have the privelege of visiting schools in particular, and sharing with them at their harvest assembly or celebration a little about Storehouse, what we do, why we do it, and perhaps to give some examples of how we help and the kind of situations where we hope we make a difference. This year we have had a wonderful inflow of food and toiletries from schools and churches in and around Bury. In addition to the earlier posting we have received food from Lawshall Primary School, St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Pre-School, All Saints Church Hartest, St Mary's & St
Peter's Church, Little Fishes mother & toddler group and Sextons Manor Primary School
(3). We have also taken part in assemblies and celebrations at Beyton Middle School
(1), Barnham Primary School
(4) and Hartest Church
(2) with the primary school there. Without exception, these schools and churches are glad to be helping Storehouse in meeting the real needs of real people in their own community. We are truly grateful for their generosity and for being so willing to be involved in this ministry. Thank you very much.
(Bracketed numbers refer to photo, starting top left and going clockwise)