Friday, 7 March 2008

Requests update

The requests over the last several weeks have had a continuously underlying theme... we need lots of just about everything. On a Wednesday morning the Storehouse team usually try and make up as many bags as they can, so that they are ready to be given out as soon as requests come in to the Vineyard Centre. This Wednesday when the bags had been made up, most of the shelves were bare. Some food came in on Thursday, but even after that this is what we had spare in the cupboards:
  • No tins of fish
  • 5 tins of meat
  • No tinned tomatoes, or kidney beans
  • 9 tins of vegetables
  • Quite a few boxes and tins of potatoes
  • 1 tin of baked beans
  • 2 jars of coffee
  • Quite a few tea bags
  • Several cartons of long life milk
  • 4 cartons of custard
  • No tins of fruit nor any other desserts
  • 2 bags of pasta and 3 bags of dried noodles
  • No pasta sauces
  • No toilet rolls
  • Just a few small toiletries

As you can see, the "we need everything" theme is continuing, so please pray about what you might be able to give to Storehouse, and consider any of the items above that are particularly low. Storehouse today provided a food bag for a young single mum and her son who have not received any money for 3 weeks and are currently waiting to see if they can get a crisis loan. They have not had any heating for a week and Storehouse was able to help there too. These are real people here in Bury St Edmunds today that we, as a church are able to help through Storehouse. Thank you for all your continuing support - every one or two cans you give (and toiletries, cartons etc) really does make a difference.

February stats

It was a leap year in more ways than one this year; in February 2007 Storehouse gave out 34 food bags, but this February Storehouse gave out 69 bags, more than double the previous year. This was as a result of 53 requests from 13 local agencies plus non agency requests. At times the food cupboards have looked quite bare and we have used up all of the harvest food, apart from some soup, but we have still not had to turn anyone away. Storehouse really does make a huge impact in individuals' lives and it is wonderful to see its ministry continuing to grow through the continuing generosity and kindness of everyone who gives to and through it. Thank you.