During October, we received 80 requests for food bags from 14 different local agencies plus some non agency requests. This resulted in 98 food bags being given away to needy people in out town and community. At a time when we have seen a lot of food come in from harvest celebrations, we have seen a lot of demand for it. It is wonderful that we have been able to meet all of these needs and show God's love and provision in a very real and practical way. Thank you to everyone who has joined in this ministry by giving food and toiletries - you have blessed many people with your kindness.
If you are wondering whether there is anything in particular that we are short of at the moment, then we could do with the following:
- ANYTHING that can given to someone with no cooking facilities
- long life milk
- small boxes of cereal (we have none left)
- small bags of sugar
- cereal bars etc
- deodorants
If you wonder why we place so much importance on serving the poor in this way and you missed Chris' talk the other Sunday, then you can download or listen to it here (to download, right click and "Save Target As..."). Thank you.