Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Christmas is coming....

On Sunday we will be announcing the start of our collecting Christmas presents for needy children. This year Sarah & Phil Addy will be in charge of this and, as in previous years, we will be provided with a list of children's names, their ages and an ideal gift for them. Anyone wishing to purchase a gift for one of these children should take the relevant tag, and then return the gift (costing no more than £10), UNWRAPPED, but with its tag attached, before the 18th December. These will then be delivered to the Family Centre to wrap and pass on to the children. The names that we are given each year are those of children from families with whom Social Services and the Family Centre work, and they are aware of their ongoing needs and situations. It may be the case that some of these children might not receive much else, so it is wonderful to be able to share, in this way, some of the love that God showed the world at this time of year.

As an additional idea, it would also be good to be able to add a few Christmas treats into some of the food bags that we give away in December, or maybe even make up some special ones for individuals and families who are particularly struggling. So if you feel like giving a few festive treats - chocolates, crackers, biscuits, Christmas puds, sweets, candles, etc, etc, etc, whatever you feel led to - please leave them in the buckets on Sundays, or drop them in at the Vineyard Centre. Thank you

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Storehouse volunteers

Do you have a heart for what Storehouse does? Would you like to become involved with Storehouse? We would love to have a team of people who are able to spend one morning a week (in pairs at least) at the Vineyard Centre helping Storehouse. This would involve taking phone requests for food bags, filling bags where necessary and meeting the people who come to collect them. We would love to be able to offer people some time to chat if they would like to, as well as maybe a cup of tea or coffee, or even some soup. At the moment we probably average around 4 or 5 bags going out per day, so it won't be really busy. If you would like to be a part of this, please speak to Margaret or Jonathan. Thank you.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

October stats

October wasn't quite as busy as September, as far as Storehouse requests are concerned at least. However, September was an exceptionally busy month (see earlier post). During October, Storehouse received 65 requests from 10 different local agencies, plus some non agency requests, resulting in 76 food bags being given away to needy men, women and families in Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk. A young lady called in at the Vineyard Centre today to collect a bag; she had not realised beforehand that we were there, and she was so thankful for her bag of food. The things we (and "we" means everyone who gives anything to Storehouse) give away through Storehouse we describe as a token of God's love; sometimes in our eyes that token might not be much, but in the hands of someone who really needs it, is desperate and might never receive much else in life, that token might be huge. Let's not underestimate the impact our giving can have in the lives of those who use Storehouse, and let's keep asking God to show HIS love through what we do.
Is that something that you would like to be involved in. We are still looking for volunteers to spend a few hours a week (preferably one morning a week) at the Vineyard centre to help fill food bags, take requests and meet the people who come to collect the bags. If you would like to get involved in this please let the office know, or speak to someone on the team. (Or even leave a comment here). Thank you