Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Review of December and 2009

Although the Vineyard Centre was closed from Christmas Eve onwards, December still proved quite a busy month for Storehouse. We received 65 requests through the month from 13 different local agencies, plus a few non-agency requests, resulting in us giving away 80 bags to needy people in Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk. Whether it is Christmas time or not, these bags make a real difference in the lives of those who receive them. We were also able to give away some extra Christmas hamper bags to some families, to help make their Christmas a little more special. Thank you to everyone who contributed chocolates, crackers, biscuits, nuts and other treats, to enable us to do this.
Many of you will also have bought presents for the children whose names were given to us by Bury Family Centre. As a Church we gave nearly 80 gifts to the Family Centre for them to pass on to the children who they felt were in particular need of a present this Christmas. Thank you to everyone who responded so generously; each child had a present/voucher brought for him or her in accordance with the suggestions made by the Family Centre, so a huge thank you to you all.
As a whole, 2009 was again a busy year, pretty much in line with 2008. The number of requests rose slightly from 731 in 2008 to 750 in 2009, resulting in a total of 888 bags (up from 884) being given away to individuals and families via just over 20 different local agencies (Social Services, CAB, Drug Services, Connexions, Health Practices, Probation, Hostels etc).
It has been wonderful to see this ministry continue to flourish through 2009, but it has only been possible through the continuing generosity of everyone who has supported Storehouse throughout the year - individuals and families at WSVC, other local churches, local schools and others. Thank you very, very much - each and every one or two cans will have made a real difference in the life or lives of those who have received the bags of food Storehouse has given away. We are looking forward to seeing this ministry grow in 2010, seeing God's love put into action by the generosity of people who are willing to reach out to the poor and needy in a real and practical way. May God bless you and Storehouse this year as we join together in this wonderful ministry. Thank you.