Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Urgent requests update

As I said in my earlier post, June is usually a very busy time of the year for Storehouse. Today, we have no tinned meat left in the cupboards, which means that we will struggle to make up any further food bags with a full compliment of meals for 2 - 3 days. Whilst tinned meat can be quite expensive, every single can that anyone donates, really will make a difference.
We have also run out of tea bags and pasta sauces and are running low of tinned vegetables, desserts, cereals (especially variety packs) and long life milk.
As we often say, one or two cans really do make a difference, and as we continue to give food bags away to needy people and families every week, we continue to need to replenish that food. As Summer takes hold, let's not forget that people in our community do still go hungry, do need help and can be shown God's love for them in action. Thank you.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Requests update

June is often a particularly busy time of year for Storehouse. This may be because some young people have to leave home once they've finished school. Whatever the reason, we usually see an increase in demand for food bags this month. We're really pleased to have received a very large donation of tinned tuna recently, but we are running low on several other basic requirements, so if you would like to know what you can buy for Storehouse, we would especially appreciate any of the following:
  • tinned meat
  • tinned vegetables
  • desserts
  • pasta sauces
  • cereals, especially the variety packs
  • long life milk

Without all of these, it becomes quite difficult to make up a bag to provide 2-3 days worth of meals for a person, so do be assured that if you give any of these items to Storehouse, they will be used almost immediately and really will make a difference. Thank you.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

May stats

May was yet another busy month for Storehouse. During the month the Vineyard Centre received requests for food bags for 33 single men, 20 single women and 10 families, resulting in 73 bags of food and toiletries being given away. These requests were from 12 different local agencies (Citizens Advice Bureau, Connexions, Social Services, Drug Services, hostels etc) plus some non agency requests.
It is your gifts of food and toiletries that enables Storehouse to continue to reach out into our community and touch the lives of people struggling to put a meal together. Often your gifts also touch the hearts of the people who work in the different agencies with whom we work. It's amazing how big an impact these gifts can have. In the Bible, an angel told a Roman soldier, "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a remembrance before God." We might or might not see the difference we make, but every can or carton is seen and does make a difference. Thank you.