Thursday, 16 December 2010

Storehouse Updates

November saw a total of 133 bags of food and toiletries being distributed, following requests from 15 different agencies and 4 non-agency requests. This was the largest monthly figure during this year. With the recent exceptionally cold weather has come an increase in the demand for urgent food supplies. The generosity of many has enabled us to meet this increase. However, we would really value ongoing support by those attending West Suffolk Vineyard Church and any other people who may want to get involved with this vital ministry to the poor and needy in West Suffolk. We are currently running short on the following essential items:

· Tinned meat & meaty meals (e.g. ravioli/stew)

· Tinned vegetables (not baked beans)

· Potatoes

· UHT milk

· Cereals

· Desserts, tinned fruit etc

From January we are increasing the size of the Storehouse Team that packs the bags . We plan to have teams of two people each weekday morning who are able to do this. We are hoping that as well as providing food bags to clients as they call at the office that they may want to stop and have a drink and a chat also. By showing an interest in them in this way the team is demonstrating the love of Jesus. We have also set up a team of people that can be contacted to provide food at short notice when food supplies are running low.

As a church we have been able to buy 46 Christmas presents for children at the Bury Family Centre. These have been very much appreciated by the children and their families. Thank you to all those who have bought a gift.

As the New Year approaches we are looking forward to what God wants to do through the Storehouse ministry.

Thank you for your support and encouragement as we work together in sharing God’s love to others in this very practical way.

Happy Christmas,

Andrew & Mary Soman