Storehouse News
Happy New Year to all those who support the work of Storehouse in any way. May you know God’s rich blessings on your lives as you serve Him.
In December Storehouse gave out a total of 84 bags, as a result of requests from 14 different agencies and 3 Non-Agency requests.
During December one of the agencies gave Storehouse some boxes of food, that had been collected from their staff. We also received a financial donation from members of staff working at another agency. This was really encouraging to know that employees of these agencies very much value the ongoing help given by Storehouse to their clients.
As a result of a Christmas collection one local church gave Storehouse several boxes and bags of milk, cereals and other produce that considerably helped bolster up the food cupboards. Another local church has said they want to promote the work of Storehouse amongst their congregation. This is such an encouragement and source of blessing to know that other churches in the area are “catching the vision” of Storehouse, and feel able to support this existing project.
January has seen a significant increase in number of volunteers working in the office packing bags. It has been really encouraging to see more people within the church getting involved in different ways within Storehouse. The following message from one of the new team members highlights their experience of working within the team:
“For just two hours a week by helping to prepare bags of food for those who would otherwise go hungry, I feel I am able to play my part in seeing these people blessed. For me personally it is time well spent in expressing mercy and kindness to those in need within the community. Matthew 10 v 8: Freely you have received, freely give.”
Please keep the supply of food and toiletries coming in. The clients we provide for very much value these practical provisions. At present we need the following essential items:
- Tinned meats
- Tinned vegetables
- Sugar & tea
- Desserts
Thank you once again for your partnership in this work.
Andrew & Mary Soman