Thursday, 12 May 2011

Storehouse News
April was again a busy month when 91 bags of food were given out, resulting from requests from 11 different agencies, with two non-agency requests. During the last three months compared with the same period last year the number of food bags given out has increased by nearly 60%. We constantly need a supply of food and toiletries coming into the work of Storehouse, so we can continue to provide those in need with food supplies.

At the moment we are short of the following items:
• Milk
• Biscuits/snacks
• Cereals
• Tea (individually foiled packets)
• Sugar (small packets)
• Desserts
• Toothpaste
• Food for people without cooking facilities

Recently we held a “get together” with those who are involved with packing bags and meeting clients in the office. This was a very encouraging time when we were able to thank God for what He has done through the Storehouse ministry, share any stories of positive encounters with clients , talk through any practical issues in order to improve the way we do things and pray for God’s blessing on the ongoing work of Storehouse . One of the things agreed at the meeting was to keep a supply of bread in the freezer. This would be especially useful for homeless people, also for families. From now on we will not split boxes of tea, unless it contains individually foiled packets. Likewise, if clients want sugar, we will give a full bag. (Small bags will be preferred.)

It is always good to share positive experiences we have had with clients or agencies. One such instance took place recently when a client on collecting his food bag stayed for a drink, had a chat with team members and was willing to be prayed for. He expressed his appreciation that there were those who cared enough to spend time with him in such a way. On another occasion when collecting his food bag the person said “thank you for the wonderful job you do.” These are real encouragements and show us how much the work of Storehouse is valued . It is a real privilege to be able to share God’s love in such a practical way to those in need.

Thank you to all those who support this work. God bless you.
Andrew & Mary Soman