Thursday, 20 December 2012

Storehouse News

November saw the highest number of Storehouse bags ever given out  in one month: 200. This resulted from requests from 11 different agencies and 9 non-agency requests. In the current economic climate it looks as though the need for Storehouse bags will be as great as ever.

Currently the cupboards are looking quite healthy. However, we still need on going donations, especially during the winter months. At present we are getting short on the following items.

  •     Fish
  •    Desserts
  •   Tinned meats
  •   Tinned potatoes
  •   Shower gel.

As a church this year we have again been able to buy up to 150 Christmas presents for children and young people at the Bury Family Centre, Acorn House (mother’s and children’s unit) and one of the local old people’s homes.  It’s such a blessing  that we have been able to bring some joy in the lives of these people at this special time of year.

After over two years co-ordinating Storehouse we feel it’s the right time to step down and pass “the baton” onto someone else. We are really pleased that Steph Day will be taking over this role. We know that this ministry will continue to thrive and know God’s blessing as she takes it forward.  We have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Storehouse and have counted it a privilege to serve God, West Suffolk Vineyard Church and the local community in this way. During the last two years (i.e. Dec 2010 to Nov 2012) a total of 3236 bags have been given out to clients. We want to say a big “thank you” to all those with whom we have worked during this time: staff from agencies, Storehouse Team members, and those who have given towards the work of Storehouse. ie members of West Suffolk Vineyard Church, members from  other churches, schools and individuals who have given towards this work. We will miss being part of the Storehouse team serving those in need in our local community, but we are looking forward to seeing it continue to grow in 2013.

Thank you to everyone who continues to support the work of Storehouse.
God bless you,
Andrew & Mary Soman