Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Urgent requests update

We are desperately short of the following items at the moment, and need them urgently so that we can include them in the next bags that we make up:
  • tinned vegetables (eg carrots, peas etc... the sort you would have with a meal)
  • instant mashed potato
  • pot noodles & similar
  • cereals, long life milk and sugar (small packets of all of these please)
  • tea bags
  • toothpaste
  • shower gel
  • deodorant

Please feel free to drop any items in at the Vineyard Centre if that is more convenient than bringing them to our Sunday celebrations. Thank you

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Requests update and THANK YOU!!

Thank you for the fantastic response to our request for more food last week. It is amazing and humbling to see such a wonderful amount of food and toiletries come into the Vineyard Centre at a time when it is really needed. Please do keep bringing in any gifts that you are able to. At the moment we need in particular:
  • tinned meat and meat products
  • tinned vegetables
  • instant mashed potato
  • pot noodles and other similar packet meals
  • small cereal packets
  • sugar and long life milk
  • toiletries

Thank you so much. It is only through the things that are given in, that Storehouse can continue to give out to those in need. (And please remember that we are collecting for Open Door at the moment too... see posting below).

Clothing Request

We have had a couple of requests come in for boys clothing; if you have any spare trousers or jumpers for a 6 year old boy, or any clothes for twin boys who will be 1 at Christmas, could you please either leave them with the Storehouse collection on Sunday or drop them in at the Vineyard Centre by next Wednesday. We have also had a request for a stairgate, if anyone has one that they no longer need. Thank you.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Open Door

If you were at our Sunday morning celebration you will have heard that we are supporting Open Door in Colchester by giving them food bags for the people who will be having a Christmas lunch and party with them on the 11th of December. We visited Open Door earlier in the year (see archive posting) and they do a great work in the heart of Colchester, offering a place for people to drop in, chat and find a listening and caring ear. Colchester Vineyard Church, a church plant from Southend, are joining with us in collecting for Open Door and it is great to be able to join together to help those in need in other communities. The people who meet at Open Door are from a variety of backgrounds, and it is estimated that around 15 of the 75 people that will be there, will be homeless and living rough. If you are able to spare a little extra food and toiletries over the next few weeks it will really make a difference in the lives of all these people and will demonstrate that God's love knows no boundaries, least of all county ones!

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Christmas Presents

In case you hadn’t noticed, Christmas is approaching and again this year we would like to brighten up the Christmas experience for some of the children in our community who otherwise might not have as enjoyable time as most of us would hope. The Bury Family Centre has provided a list of children’s names, ages and ideal gifts and if you would like to buy any of these then please speak to Margret Zeidler on any Sunday between now and the 12th December. The format will be the same as in previous years: we would ask that you put your name down against the child that you would like to buy for and then take the gift tag, which will have all the details on, and purchase that gift to no more than the value of £10. Please DO NOT wrap the present, but return it, together with the label, to either the Vineyard Centre, or to a Sunday celebration before December 12th. If you have any questions please speak to Margret. Thank you

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Requests update

Thank you so much for your donations of food and toiletries over the last week. At the moment we would appreciate in particular the following items:
  • ANY food that can be eaten without heating
  • tinned meat
  • tinned vegetables (but we have plenty of tinned tomatoes at the moment)
  • pasta sauces
  • pot noodles
  • cereals, sugar (small packets of either)
  • shower gel, deodorants, shampoo

Each item does make a difference, and to illustrate this, below is the text of a letter received at the Vineyard Centre recently from Suffolk Constabulary Victim Care Centre:

Dear Sir/madam

Just a short note of thanks for the food bag collected from you on 31st October '07.

Sadly, many of the domestic violence victims that we come into contact with at the Victim Care Centre are in a desperate situation.

The recipient of your generous gift has struggled to cope financially for a considerable time and I know this gift will be welcome.

It is comforting to know that the members of your church are willing to show such humanity and compassion to a stranger.

Thank you for all of your donations. They truly do make a difference, no matter how small, and they show God's love in action in perhaps more ways than we realise.

Friday, 9 November 2007

Requests plea(se)

October was the busiest month (see stats below) Storehouse has known so far, and in the first week of November nearly 30 food bags left the Vineyard Centre to needy people in and around Bury St Edmunds. Although we have received a lot of food during the last couple of months, we are still particularly short of the following items:
  • Tinned meat
  • Tinned mixed veg
  • Instant mashed potato
  • Pasta sauces
  • Cereals (small packets or variety packs please)
  • Sugar and long life milk
  • Toothpaste, deodorants and shampoo

Please pray about what you might give to Storehouse. Without some of the items above, we will not be able to make up a food bag for a day's meals, or maybe not provide any toiletries. As this ministry continues to grow it is a practical way in which we can demonstrate to others what our love for Jesus means; that we will look with compassion, as He did, on those in need in our community and that we will reach out to them without judging, but with love and an open heart.