Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Open Door

If you were at our Sunday morning celebration you will have heard that we are supporting Open Door in Colchester by giving them food bags for the people who will be having a Christmas lunch and party with them on the 11th of December. We visited Open Door earlier in the year (see archive posting) and they do a great work in the heart of Colchester, offering a place for people to drop in, chat and find a listening and caring ear. Colchester Vineyard Church, a church plant from Southend, are joining with us in collecting for Open Door and it is great to be able to join together to help those in need in other communities. The people who meet at Open Door are from a variety of backgrounds, and it is estimated that around 15 of the 75 people that will be there, will be homeless and living rough. If you are able to spare a little extra food and toiletries over the next few weeks it will really make a difference in the lives of all these people and will demonstrate that God's love knows no boundaries, least of all county ones!

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