Wednesday 4 June 2008

Requests update

As we continue to give out food bags, and especially in the light of the large number of bags given away during June in previous years, could you please consider giving the following items to Storehouse, as we are running low on them at the moment:
· ANY food that can be eaten without heating
· tin openers, plastic bowls, cutlery etc
· tinned meat and fish
· instant mashed potato*, baked beans, kidney beans
· pasta, rice, pasta sauces
· tinned fruit and other desserts
· tea bags, coffee, small bags of sugar*
· small cartons etc of drinks*
· toiletries (esp. toothbrushes* toothpaste*, deodorants, soap)
· toilet rolls, wet wipes* (really useful for homeless people)

Even one or two cans can make a real difference and let's pray that as we give these items of food and toiletries, the gift and the giving will make a real difference in the lives of those who receive them. Thank you.

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