- Barnham Primary School
- Hardwick primary School
- Hartest Primary School
- Little Fishes pre-school
- St Edmunds Catholic Primary School & Nursery
- St James Middle School
- Sextons Manor Primary School
- Tollgate Primary School
- Westgate Primary School
The following local churches have also kindly donated their non-perishable harvest items to Storehouse:
- Hartest Church (and benefice)
- St Marys Church
- St Peters Church
- West Road Church
It is wonderful that so many people in and around our town are happy and willing to join us in this ministry. Many of the schools comment that they like to be able to help people who are in need and in our community. It has given us a good store of much of what we usually give away so that we are only really short of small cereals, toothbrushes and shower gel. Please don't stop bringing in your donations of any other items - we have already given away over 20 bags a week so far in October, so please be assured that whatever you give will make a difference. Thank you.