Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Requests update

As Christmas approaches, Storehouse has been busy giving away lots of food bags over the last week. As a result, we don't have very many boxes of cereals to give away at the moment. The multipacks made up of 8 small boxes are ideal, as we can put three in a single person's bag, and are easily stored, whatever a person's lifestyle. We would be very grateful for any cereals that you might be able to give, either on Sunday, or by dropping some in at the Vineyard Centre over the next week. As we continue to busily give out bags in response to all the requests we receive, let's remember that as we give, we show in a real and practical way something of God's love for those in need. Thank you.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Caring for the poor IS part of God's plan.

We often say that God has a heart for the poor; I was thinking about this the other day and how God set laws in place that looked after the poor. Reading through Leviticus or Deuteronomy can be a bit of a trawl, but you will find there the rules that God set out for the Israelites to follow, both personally and as a nation. And frequently those rules included provisions that would look after the poor and disadvantaged:
‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God.’ Lev 19: 9 – 10
‘When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.’ Lev 19: 33 – 34
Time and again the sentiment behind these laws is repeated, as God emphasises to his people that they must care for the poor and the needy, the widow and the fatherless, and foreigners living in the country.
The impact that these laws had on people’s lives is hardly demonstrated more starkly than in the story of Ruth and Boaz, in the Old Testament. Ruth was a foreigner and a widow who chose to accompany her Israelite mother-in-law, Naomi, on her return to her native country. With no means of income, Ruth went to glean in the fields where the barley was being harvested. To cut the story short, Ruth ended up marrying Boaz, the owner of the field (read the full version in the book of Ruth in the Bible – it’s only four chapters). But the story didn’t end there; Ruth and Boaz had a son, Obed, who had a son Jesse, who was the father of King David. There are Ruth and Boaz, mentioned in Matthew 1, in the genealogy of Jesus. At this time of year, it’s interesting to think what an important part God’s heart and provision for the poor played in the history of the Christmas story. And at the same time, as we have been hearing lately about how God has plans for each of us, let’s not underestimate the difference we might make to the world by being ready and willing to obey and honour him, just like Boaz and Ruth.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

November stats, and requests update

During November Storehouse received 64 requests for food bags from 12 different local agencies, plus some non agency requests. As a result, 71 food bags were given away to help single men and women and families in and around Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk. I know that we say two cans make a difference, but in November you have helped feed over seventy people, giving them meals, snacks and toiletries to help the get through the difficulties that they have been facing. Thank you so much for your continuing generosity and kindness - may God bless you richly as you share with the needy in this way.

In addition to the Christmas treats that we would like to give away in the run up to Christmas (see previous post), we are beginning to run a little low on cereals, razors and shower gel at the moment. If you would consider popping some of these into the Storehouse buckets, or leaving some at the Vineyard Centre, we would be most grateful, thank you.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Christmas is coming....

On Sunday we will be announcing the start of our collecting Christmas presents for needy children. This year Sarah & Phil Addy will be in charge of this and, as in previous years, we will be provided with a list of children's names, their ages and an ideal gift for them. Anyone wishing to purchase a gift for one of these children should take the relevant tag, and then return the gift (costing no more than £10), UNWRAPPED, but with its tag attached, before the 18th December. These will then be delivered to the Family Centre to wrap and pass on to the children. The names that we are given each year are those of children from families with whom Social Services and the Family Centre work, and they are aware of their ongoing needs and situations. It may be the case that some of these children might not receive much else, so it is wonderful to be able to share, in this way, some of the love that God showed the world at this time of year.

As an additional idea, it would also be good to be able to add a few Christmas treats into some of the food bags that we give away in December, or maybe even make up some special ones for individuals and families who are particularly struggling. So if you feel like giving a few festive treats - chocolates, crackers, biscuits, Christmas puds, sweets, candles, etc, etc, etc, whatever you feel led to - please leave them in the buckets on Sundays, or drop them in at the Vineyard Centre. Thank you

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Storehouse volunteers

Do you have a heart for what Storehouse does? Would you like to become involved with Storehouse? We would love to have a team of people who are able to spend one morning a week (in pairs at least) at the Vineyard Centre helping Storehouse. This would involve taking phone requests for food bags, filling bags where necessary and meeting the people who come to collect them. We would love to be able to offer people some time to chat if they would like to, as well as maybe a cup of tea or coffee, or even some soup. At the moment we probably average around 4 or 5 bags going out per day, so it won't be really busy. If you would like to be a part of this, please speak to Margaret or Jonathan. Thank you.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

October stats

October wasn't quite as busy as September, as far as Storehouse requests are concerned at least. However, September was an exceptionally busy month (see earlier post). During October, Storehouse received 65 requests from 10 different local agencies, plus some non agency requests, resulting in 76 food bags being given away to needy men, women and families in Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk. A young lady called in at the Vineyard Centre today to collect a bag; she had not realised beforehand that we were there, and she was so thankful for her bag of food. The things we (and "we" means everyone who gives anything to Storehouse) give away through Storehouse we describe as a token of God's love; sometimes in our eyes that token might not be much, but in the hands of someone who really needs it, is desperate and might never receive much else in life, that token might be huge. Let's not underestimate the impact our giving can have in the lives of those who use Storehouse, and let's keep asking God to show HIS love through what we do.
Is that something that you would like to be involved in. We are still looking for volunteers to spend a few hours a week (preferably one morning a week) at the Vineyard centre to help fill food bags, take requests and meet the people who come to collect the bags. If you would like to get involved in this please let the office know, or speak to someone on the team. (Or even leave a comment here). Thank you

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Requests update

As we receive food from several local schools' and churches' harvest festival celebrations, we are currently well stocked on some items, but still rather low on others. At the moment we particularly need the following:
  • small cereal packets
  • long life milk (we have none left)
  • toiletries, especially deodorants & toothpaste
  • any food that can be eaten by someone with no access to a cooker or kettle

Thank you for your continuing support and ongoing generosity with your involvement in Storehouse. As you give to this ministry, you reach out with compassion to those in need and show them that they are not forgotten, that God's love can reach them wherever they are. Thank you, and may God bless you.

As September was such a busy month, that meant that the Vineyard Centre staff have been very busy assisting with Storehouse requests. We would love to be able to have a team of people at Storehouse who are able to spend a morning a week taking the phone calls from agencies and also giving out the food bags, whether they are to agencies' staff or clients. If this is something that you would like to be involved in, please speak to one of us. Thanks.

September stats

September was an incredibly busy month for Storehouse, by far the busiest month we have ever had in fact. During the month we received 102 requests from 15 different agencies plus some non agency requests. These requests resulted in 118 food bags being given away to needy people in and around Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk. At times the stock of food was very low, but thankfully we didn't have to turn anyone away. Thank you for your amazing generosity through this very busy month - each one of those 102 requests has been met, and each bag will have made a real difference in the lives of the person or people who have received it. We do this, not only to make a difference in those lives, but we also believe that we are helping those people that are on God's heart - the poor and needy whom he has always cared for, and whom he wants us to care for too. In this way, each tin or packet that is given to Storehouse goes to help in this Ministry for God, as we show his love to those in need. Thank you.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Requests update

September is proving to be a very busy month; so far this month we have already given away almost as many food bags as we did in the whole of September last year. As a result, the cupboards are really very low on some items, and we have run out of some things altogether. So if you use this blog to keep you up-to-date with what Storehouse needs, here's what we are needing at the moment:
  • tinned meat*, tinned fish*
  • tinned vegetables*, tinned potatoes & instant mash
  • pasta & pasta sauces
  • desserts of all kinds
  • small packets of cereals*
  • toiletries, especially toothpaste* and deodrants*
  • ANYTHING suitable for people with no access to any cooking facilities.

As we give away more food bags, we reach and have an impact in the lives of more and more people. It is wonderful that we are able to do this, and to be able to show something of God's love and concern for the marginalised, the poor and the needy. It is great too that we can be a part of this, whether we bring just one or two cans and whether we are part of West Suffolk Vineyard Church or not. We are grateful for the involvement and donations of other churches to the work at Storehouse and also for donations from schools and local churches of their harvest celebration items at this time of year. (If you know of a local school or church that is going to be holding a harvest celebration, please feel free to mention Storehouse to them, as we would be very grateful for any donations of food and toiletries from them. Contact the Vineyard Centre or any of the Storehouse team for more info, or leave a comment on this blog.) Please be assured that everything that you give makes a difference in the life of someone, and whether they are aware of it or not, demonstrates the love and compassion that God has for them. Thank you.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

August stats and requests update

August was yet another busy month for Storehouse. During the month, we received 65 requests from 12 different local agencies plus a couple of non-agency requests all of which resulted in 73 food bags being given away to needy and struggling people in and around Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk.
As a result of so many requests, plus more than 10 bags going out in the first 2 days of September, we are desperately short of many items and would very much appreciate the following (please feel free to drop any items in at the Vineyard Centre):
  • any food that can be eaten without heating (e.g. ring-pull cans, peanuts, biscuits etc)
  • tinned meat (we have 1 tin left), fish, vegetables*, potatoes
  • pasta sauces, instant/pot noodles, instant mash
  • fruit & desserts
  • small cereals, tea bags*
  • toiletries, especially deodorant*, toothpaste*, shower gel*, soap*

It is wonderful that we are able to help so many people in this practical way, showing them compassion in a way that impacts their lives. When we give just one or two cans we really do make a difference, so thank you for everything that you do give.

On a slightly different tack, if you are involved with a local school that is going to be holding a Harvest celebration of any kind, you could maybe mention to the staff that Storehouse would gladly take any non-perishable items that are donated. We have already written to most of the local schools, but any additional support would be most welcome. Thank you.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Requests update

August has so far been yet another busy month for Storehouse with around 15 bags a week going to people in need in and around Bury St Edmunds. The cupboards are looking really quite bare in some areas as a result and so we would particularly appreciate the following items:
  • tinned meat
  • tinned vegetables*
  • tinned potatoes & instant mash
  • tinned desserts and fruit
  • tea bags
  • small packets of cereals
  • toiletries especially shower gel*, toothpaste* and soap*

We are right out of items marked *.

We are very grateful for all the donations we receive, especially through the holiday period when perhaps it is all too easy to be thinking about other things. As the cupboards are so low at the moment please do drop things in at the Vineyard Centre if you are able to. Thank you for all you give - every can or two makes a real difference in the lives of those who receive them.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

July Stats (and requests update)

July has been the busiest month for Storehouse so far in 2009. During the month we received 76 requests for food bags from 15 different local agencies plus some non-agency requests. As a result of these requests, Storehouse gave away 89 food bags during July to single men, single ladies and families. All of these people will have been needy people, from differing backgrounds, but your continuing generosity will have made a real difference in their lives. Each food bag contains food and toiletries for a few days, to help someone have a few meals and keep clean. At the moment we are running very low on tea bags, tinned fish (we have none), tinned meat and meaty meals, vegetables, desserts, small packets of cereals, and long life milk. As you might imagine, most of these are pretty staple foods and we like to put some in every food bag. If you are going to be away during the summer, please feel free to drop any donations of food in at the Vineyard Centre during the week. It's wonderful that we can reach out in this way and touch so many lives in a practical way, but as a way of showing them that God cares for them. Thank you for all you do as part of this ministry.

Monday, 27 July 2009

Requests update

July continues to be a very busy month for Storehouse with much of the food that comes in going out almost as quickly. Even after all the food collected yesterday at our Sunday morning celebration, we are still running low on some items:
  • tinned meat, meaty meals and tinned fish*
  • tinned fruit and other desserts
  • small boxes of cereal (eg multi packs, or weetabix etc which can be hygienically split)
  • long life milk
  • tea bags
  • toiletries, especially toothpaste, deodorants, shower gel*

We have none of the items marked *

As kinships maybe take a break over the Summer, please keep an eye on this blog, and on the notice board on Sunday mornings for updates as to what we are running low of. We always try and make up a food bag with food for all the meals in the day, so we are always needing plenty of different foods, but we do run low on particular things at different times (although it's worth pointing out that we do have plenty of tinned soup for the foreseeable future). Please feel free to drop any food in at the Vineyard Centre at 15a Out Westgate during the week, or in the buckets on a Sunday morning. As Chris was mentioning on Sunday, we might never see the outcome of our actions, but as we reach out with compassion to those in need around us, we are showing God's love to the needy while at the same time allowing him to soften our hearts. Let's keep reaching out and at the same time listening to him as we join together to serve him in this way. Thank you.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Requests update

When I arrived at the Vineyard Centre on Wednesday morning, there were 6 or 7 Storehouse bags waiting to be collected, indicative of what a busy week and month it has been so far. As we had to make up plenty of bags, we are as a result running low on several items. We are right out of Tinned Fish, Shower Gel and Deodorants. We are also running low of tinned meat and meaty meals, instant noodles etc, pasta sauces, tinned desserts (we have just one tin), small packets of cereal, long life milk and tea bags. Please feel free to drop any gifts in at the Vineyard Centre during the week, especially if you would normally take them to Kinship and you might not be meeting up over the Summer. We really do appreciate all your gifts, because even one or two cans make a difference. It is wonderful that as a church we are all a part of this ministry as we give, and as we show God's love to needy people around us, in a practical way. Thank you.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Urgent requests update

After a brief lull in June, the start of July has been very busy for Storehouse, with over 30 bags having gone out already this month! As a result we are right out of tinned desserts, long life milk, deodorant and shower gel, and running low on tinned fish, tinned meat and meaty meals, potatoes (tinned and instant mash), cereals, pasta sauces, toothpaste and soap. Storehouse gives us a wonderful opportunity to reach out to needy people and, in a non judgemental way, demonstrate some of God's love for them. As you continue to give food and toiletries, that is what you are doing, and it really does make a difference. May God bless you as you do this. Thank you.

Friday, 3 July 2009

June stats

June this year was not as busy as last year, following a very busy May. We received 47 requests from 10 local agencies plus several non-agency requests, which resulted in Storehouse giving away 59 food bags to needy people in and around Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk. As Louise was saying on Sunday (if you haven't heard her talk you can download it from the WSVC website), this is only possible because of what YOU do, as you continue to support this ministry. We are very grateful for everything that you give and let's pray that as we give, lives will be changed. Thank you

By way of an update on the requests front, we have recently received a large consignment of tinned soup, so for the foreseeable future we won't need any more tins of soup to be given to us, thank you. We are still short of several items though, as per last week's notice, in particular
cereals, instant mash, tinned meat and veg. Please feel free to drop any donations in at the Vineyard Centre, or bring to our Sunday morning Celebration. Thank you.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Requests update

I know the requests haven't been updated for a while, but the items we have needed have been pretty much the same. Just to keep things up-to-date, we are right out of the following:
  • tinned meals (like ravioli, spag bol etc)
  • tinned fish
  • tinned potatoes
  • shower gel

and we only have one carton of long-life milk left in the cupboards.

We are also running low on the following:

  • tinned meat
  • instant mash
  • pot noodles and cup-a-soups
  • cereals (variety packs or splittable packs like Weetabix are really great)
  • snacks and cereals bars
  • other toiletries - toothpaste, razors, deodorant, shampoo etc

We are truly grateful for everything that you give; when I spoke to people at the CAB AGM (see earlier posting), the question they kept asking was "where do you get all your food from". They were consistently amazed at the generosity that you show in bringing so much food to help people that you don't know, but who are struggling and in need. As we reach out in this way, I am sure that our actions touch more people than we realise, so please be encouraged. You really do make a difference, and may God bless you as you do so. Thank you.


On Friday 19th of June I had the pleasure of attending the Annual General Meeting of the Bury St Edmunds and District Citizens Advice Bureau. We regularly receive requests from the CAB and it was lovely to join with them, have a bite to eat and meet some familiar and some unfamiliar faces. The statistics reported were quite an eye opener - 7 out of the top 10 requests in 2008-2009 related to either debt or benefits; total debt dealt with amounted to over £2.5 million; 14,522 client contacts were made; for the first time they had more benefit enquiries than debt - a measure of the huge increase in Job Seekers Allowance and other means tested benefits queries they received as a result of the worsening economy. The majority of the people who work at CAB are voluntary, but they provide an invaluable service to the community as they seek to provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice.

Friday, 5 June 2009

May Stats and requests update

Storehouse had its busiest May ever; we received 71 requests from 10 local agencies, plus one non-agency request. This resulted in us giving away 83 bags of food and toiletries to needy people in and around Bury St Edmunds during the month. As you might imagine, the food that comes in doesn't stay in the cupboards for very long when we are this busy, and so while we will gladly accept any non-perishable food you can give us, the items we particularly need at this moment are as follows:
  • tinned meat, meals and fish*
  • pasta sauces*
  • pot noodles*
  • cup-a-soups*
  • tea bags
  • long-life milk (we have one pint left)
  • cereals (especially multi-packs which can be easily split)
  • toothpaste*, deodorants and other toiletries

We have run right out of items marked *.

We are able to help all sorts of people through Storehouse - young, not so young, single, families, those with homes and those without. All of the people who come to Storehouse are in need though, but for many their need might be short term, as they wait for Benefits to be sorted, or other matters to be resolved. Your donations of food and toiletries help these people through the next few days, and hopefully demonstrate to them that they are not forgotten and hope-less: as we help them, we show that God has not forgotten them and that he cares for them. Through Storehouse, we are able to share God's love with desperate and needy people, and every can that we give makes a real difference. Thank you.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Requests update

If you've been watching this blog lately, or taken a note of the requests on our board at our Sunday morning celebrations you'll notice a continuing theme: we're fairly low on just about everything! That's still continuing, I'm afraid, so if you use this space to inform you of what we need, here goes:
  • tinned meat and meaty products (eg ravioli etc), tinned fish
  • tinned vegetables, tomatoes, pasta sauces
  • instant mashed potato, tinned potatoes, pasta & rice
  • pot noodles & similar
  • tinned fruit & other desserts
  • long life milk
  • tea bags
  • cereals* especially multi packs, as they can be split easily and safely
  • toiletries

The fact that we need so much demonstrates how much we are giving out; I'll update the stats for May later in the week, but it has been a very busy month. It's wonderful that together we are able to help so many needy people, from all sorts of walks of life and in many different situations, and to show in this practical way God's love for them. Thank you.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Urgent requests plea(se)

Roy and Margaret delivered all of yesterday's food collection to the Vineyard Centre this morning, and had to make up a few more bags, because so many have gone out. When they left there were several things that we have run right out of:
  • We have no instant mashed potato
  • we have no desserts of any kind
  • we have no tinned vegetables (you can buy a tin of carrots etc for around 20 - 30p)
  • we have one carton of long life milk left
  • we have hardly any tinned meal items (e.g. ravioli, macaroni cheese, spag bol)

As we reach one of our busiest times of the year, we are going to need a good supply of all of the above, as they go into every food bag we make up. Please consider adding just one or two cans to your weekly shop, to share with those who maybe have nothing, and please feel free to drop any items in at the Vineyard Centre during the week. May God bless you as you help others with your gifts. Thank you.

Friday, 15 May 2009

April stats, and requests update

April was another busy month for Storehouse; during the month we received 60 requests from 11 different local agencies, plus a non agency request, resulting in us giving away 69 food bags to local needy people. It's wonderful that we have been able to do this, and we are so very grateful for all the continued donations we receive. The first week in the new Vineyard Centre (see earlier post), has been far from quiet, with more than 20 food bags going out in the first week alone. As a result of the high number of requests we are receiving, the cupboards are looking fairly bare again, and we are in real need of the following items:
  • tinned fish*
  • tinned meat* and meaty products*
  • tinned vegetables*
  • tinned potatoes*
  • instant mashed potato
  • dry pasta* and rice*
  • pasta sauces
  • tinned fruit and desserts

We have run out of the items marked * completely.

In each food bag that we give away we try to put sufficient food for 3 meals a day for 2 - 3 days, so you can imagine the volume of food that has gone out in the last week. Over the last three years, June has always been one of our busiest months so I guess that the number of requests that we receive will continue to rise. Please consider bringing some of the above items to our Sunday morning celebration, or drop them in at the Vineyard Centre during the week. But also, ask God what He would have you do. We say that one or two cans make a difference, and they not only make a difference to the person who receives them, but as we open our heart to what God wants us to do, it can begin to make a difference to us too. Thank you.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

We're moving...

The Vineyard Centre is moving...
to 15a Out Westgate, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3NZ
on 7th May 2009
The phone number, website and emails all stay the same(although they may not work on 7th May itself)
Click here for a PDF on parking arrangements.
If you stop on the double yellow lines for loading and unloading then your vehicle must not go onto the pavement and you can only be there for a max of 20 minutes whilst un/loading is actually being carried out.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Requests update

If you were at our Sunday morning celebration at St James' School, you might have seen the photos of the nearly empty Storehouse food cupboards. We collected a wonderful amount of food on Sunday, thank you, and we have been able to make up bags ready for the coming week, as requests keep coming in. However, that does mean that once again we are right out of some things and very low on others. The items we have run out of completely are as follows:
  • tinned meat and meat products
  • tinned fish (I think we might have one tin of tuna left)
  • tinned potatoes
  • long life milk
  • rice
  • deodorant, shampoo

We are also running very low on the following:

  • pasta
  • tinned vegetables
  • instant mashed potato
  • desserts
  • cereals
  • other toiletries, especially shower gel

We are truly grateful for everything that you give to Storehouse. You do an amazing thing as you give even just one or two cans to help people who have little or nothing (I was talking to a guy today who has been waiting for his benefits to come through since March 20th). Let me quote from The Message intro to Zephaniah: "Everything you do or think or feel has to do with God. Every person you meet has to do with God." We live in a vast world of interconnectedness, and the connections have consequences, either in things or in people - and all the consequences come together in God. We might never know the impact our gifts might have on someone's life, but we can be sure that our gifts will make a difference; it might even be the case that the difference will start with us, as we start to see people with God's eyes, and as we reach out in love towards them. So thank you for continuing to be a part of this ministry as we try to extend a hand of help and show some of God's love to our needy community.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Urgent requests update

We are running very low of quite a few items and are right out of some. In particular, we need the following:
  • tinned meat*
  • pasta*
  • pasta sauces*
  • instant mash*
  • tinned mixed vegetables
  • tinned tomatoes*
  • tinned kidney beans*
  • tinned fruit* and other desserts*
  • long life milk*
  • snacks
  • toiletries - toothpaste*, razors, body wash, shampoo*, deodorants

The items marked with * we have run right out of. As we try and make up a bag to give meals for a couple of days, it will be difficult without any meat, dessert and milk. If you are able to drop any items in at the Vineyard Centre that will be useful too. Thank you for all your donations and for continuing to be prepared to help and support those in our community who maybe have nowhere else to turn.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

March stats & requests update

During March, Storehouse received 51 requests from eleven local agencies and some non agency requests. This resulted in 63 food bags being given away during the month to help support people in need in and around Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk. There has been a steady and good supply of food coming in, so thank you to everyone who has donated food and toiletries over the past month - it is your kind donations that have filled these bags and shown the recipients a practical example of God's love for them. If you read through the Bible, from the Old testament through the New, you will find again and again God declaring and demonstrating his care and compassion for the poor, and his will that his people should do the same. As you give just one or two cans, you are demonstrating that love for the poor that God desires, reaching out to the disadvantaged, the downtrodden and the demoralised. May God bless you as you bless others.
We try and fill each bag with a variety of food to give the recipient enough for breakfast, lunch and dinner for two or three days. At the moment, we are running low on the following items and would appreciate these in particular:
  • tinned meat*
  • tinned veg, esp mixed veg, tinned tomatoes, kidney beans
  • pasta* and pasta sauces*
  • tinned fruit and other desserts
  • long life milk
  • toiletries of all sorts, especially toothpaste*
  • tin openers

*we have run right out of these items at the moment.

Thank you so much for all you give. It is wonderful that this ministry is so well supported by so many people. Please feel free to bring items other than those above, and please also feel free to drop them in at the Vineyard Centre during the week, as well as at our Sunday morning celebration at St James' Middle School. Thank you.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

February stats

During February Storehouse received 37 requests for food bags from 13 different local agencies plus some non agency requests, resulting in 47 food bags being given away. Whilst this is fewer bags than in 2008, it is wonderful to be able to meet these needs. Each bag makes a difference to the person or people receiving it, and each can or box that you give goes into making that difference. It can make a difference too to you; as John Wimber said once, "What an awesome opportunity we have to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We must never forget the poor and the oppressed among us. For when we give ourselves to others, our own healing will be waiting." So thank you for all your continuing donations. We are still running a bit low on some items that we would particularly appreciate at the moment as follows:
  • tinned potatoes and instant mashed potato
  • tinned vegetables
  • tinned tomatoes
  • pasta sauces
  • tinned fruit and other desserts
  • toiletries, especially toothpaste*, body wash*, shampoo*
  • plastic bowls, cutlery etc - for use by people with no cooking facilities

We are grateful for everything that is given to Storehouse and it is wonderful that we are able to meet all of the needs and requests for food and toiletries that come to us. Storehouse really is the ministry of the whole of West Suffolk Vineyard, and even beyond; it continues to give as it continues to receive from everyone who supports it. Thank you for your continued kindness - may you be blessed as you bless those in need in our community.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

January stats and latest requests

January started off with a large number of requests, but quietened down towards the end of the month. Although the Vineyard centre was closed for the final week of the month, food bags were still available to people telephoning in, as instructions were left on the answerphone. In the whole of January Storehouse received 50 requests from 13 local agencies, plus some non agency requests, resulting in 62 food bags being given away. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this ministry over the last month - it is your generosity and kindness that enables storehouse to reach as many people as it does.
At the moment we have a number of food bags made up and ready to give out, but we are low of some things for the food cupboards. The items we could do with in particular are:
  • potatoes, both tinned and instant*
  • tinned vegetables
  • tinned tomatoes
  • desserts of any kind*
  • toiletries - esp toothpaste, body wash, shampoo

*these are the items of which we have none at the moment.

We appreciate everything that is given to Storehouse, and we do need a good variety of food to make up the food bags that are given out each week. The above list simply shows the things that we are particularly low on at the moment, so please feel feel free to bring anything else as well. One or two cans really do make a difference, both in terms of helping us make up a food bag, but they also make a huge difference to the person receiving them. he or she might not have had a meal, but for those one ot two cans, so please don't underestimate the impact that even one or two cans can make. God knows our heart when we give, and it is ultimately HIS ministry that we are carrying out, joining with him in reaching out to our community, remembering the poor and trying to care for them in a practical way. Thank you.

Friday, 30 January 2009

Requests update

We are always grateful for whatever you give to Storehouse. However, at the moment we have no tinned vegetables, very little cereal and no instant mash. If you could consider giving any of these to Storehouse it would really help make up the next lot of food bags. Tinned mixed veg are really useful - they go with all sorts of food, have a good mix and shops' own brands usually cost less than 30p. Small variety packets of cereal, or cereals like weetabix that can be split, but remain sealed are great for dividing up and putting in a food bag to feed someone for 2 or 3 days. And boxes of instant mash that have several foil packs inside can again be split and divided up. Every single item that is given really does make a difference, especially to the person or people who receive the food bag. So thank you for all that you do give as you take part in this ministry of reaching out to those in need in our community.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

December Stats

A New Year has begun, and on behalf of everyone at Storehouse, I wish you a peaceful 2009. As a new year begins so an old one ends, and 2008 ended with a very busy month for Storehouse. In December Storehouse received 77 requests for food bags from 15 different agencies plus some non agency requests. This resulted in 106 food bags being given away to people in need locally. We could not do this without the continuing support of everyone who gives food and toiletries to Storehouse. If you would like to know what we need in particular at the moment, please see the previous posting - we're still running low of the same things.

We have received many comments lately from people connected with some of the agencies that use us as to how much of a difference Storehouse makes to the lives of those who receive the food bags. That difference is what YOU make as you bring just one or two cans; you show love in a practical way to people you don't know and don't even get to meet. None of us knows everything that 2009 has in store for us as individuals, as a church, as a town or even a nation. As we continue to receive a seemingly increasing number of requests for food bags, lets continue to join together to meet these needs and to spread some of God's love for the poor and broken to hurting and needy people in our community in 2009. Thank you for all you do, and may God bless you through this New Year.