Monday, 18 May 2009

Urgent requests plea(se)

Roy and Margaret delivered all of yesterday's food collection to the Vineyard Centre this morning, and had to make up a few more bags, because so many have gone out. When they left there were several things that we have run right out of:
  • We have no instant mashed potato
  • we have no desserts of any kind
  • we have no tinned vegetables (you can buy a tin of carrots etc for around 20 - 30p)
  • we have one carton of long life milk left
  • we have hardly any tinned meal items (e.g. ravioli, macaroni cheese, spag bol)

As we reach one of our busiest times of the year, we are going to need a good supply of all of the above, as they go into every food bag we make up. Please consider adding just one or two cans to your weekly shop, to share with those who maybe have nothing, and please feel free to drop any items in at the Vineyard Centre during the week. May God bless you as you help others with your gifts. Thank you.

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