Thursday, 15 December 2011

Storehouse News
November was again a busy month, when 106 bags were distributed, resulting from requests from fifteen different agencies and ten non-agency requests.
In November we had a productive team meeting when we were able to share stories of how God has blessed the work of Storehouse in meeting the practical needs of those in our community. It was also a chance to encourage one another and share any new ideas that relate to the running of Storehouse. We were able to welcome to the team Sarah and Lindsay, both from Gt Barton Free Church, and to say “good-bye” and “thank you” to Julie who has moved onto other things at the Vineyard Centre.
As in previous years members of the church congregation have bought Christmas presents for those in our community. Over 150 gifts have been given to the Family Centre, Acorn House, (mum’s and baby complex) Jocelyn Court (old people’s home) and CRI (providing help to people with Substance Misuse.) We do thank all those who have given so generously in buying these presents, and in so doing demonstrating God’s love to those in need.
The vast stocks of food received from local churches and schools in October are being used up. Although we still have lots of certain items of food, we are short of the following items:
• Cereals
• Milk
• Tinned meat
• Tinned potatoes
• Fish
• Desserts
• Biscuits
• Food for people without cooking facilities
Thank you to all those who have supported the work of Storehouse during the last year. We look forward to 2012 when we can continue to share God’s love with those around us.
God bless you.
Happy Christmas
Andrew & Mary Soman

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Storehouse Chat
October proved to be a busy month with a total of 122 bags being given out. This resulted in requests from 16 different agencies and 13 Non-Agency requests.

We were privileged to receive harvest produce from 8 churches and 13 schools in our local area. Members of the team were invited to visit several schools/churches and share the work of Storehouse. The interest shown in the work by teachers, children and church officers was very encouraging. As a result our cupboards are overflowing with food and toiletries. We are so thankful to all the schools and churches that have supported us and also thankful to God.

Although we have plenty of food in our cupboards at the moment please continue to bring in food on a regular basis. Some examples are as follows:
• Tinned Meat
• Tinned potatoes
• Cereals
• Food for people without cooking facilities

Thank you for continuing to support the work of Storehouse, as we seek to show the love of Jesus to those around us.
Andrew & Mary Soman

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Storehouse News
August was again a busy month within Storehouse, as we gave out a total of 114 food bags, resulting from requests from 14 different agencies and 2 non-agency requests. July and August have shown that by far the greatest number of requests have come from the drug-related agencies.
During the next few weeks we are expecting several schools and churches to give Storehouse the produce from their Harvest celebrations. This will be very welcomed in order to top up the food cupboards. Please pray that as we are asked to share the work of Storehouse within the schools and churches that God’s love would be seen through this practical ministry.
We have eventually used up the many tins of tuna that we were given some time ago, so please add fish to your shopping list again! At present we are especially short of the following items:
• Meat
• Tinned potatoes
• Vegetables
• Desserts
• Fish
• Tinned soup
• Food for people without cooking facilities
Don’t forget “two-cans” can really make a difference.
Thank you for supporting this vital work.
May God bless you.
Andrew & Mary Soman

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Storehouse Update
The last two months have continued to be very busy in the Storehouse office. During June a total of 112 bags were given out to clients: representing requests from 14 different agencies and 8 non-agency requests .In July 139 bags, (the highest monthly number this year,) were distributed: this represented requests from 14 different agencies and 6 non-agency requests. Please remember to bring in your cans of food during August as many people from church will be away on holiday.

At present we are short of the following items:
• Tea (individually foiled packets)
• Sugar (small packets if possible)
• Soup
• Baked beans
• Desserts
• Snacks
• Pot noodles
• Cereals
• Shampoo
• Toothpaste
• Food for people without cooking facilities

One again “thank you” to all those from West Suffolk Vineyard Church and other churches/individuals who support this vital work. It is great to serve God together in this way.
God bless you.
Andrew & Mary Soman

Thursday, 23 June 2011

23 June 2011
Storehouse Chat

May was an extremely busy month when 134 bags of food were given out, resulting from requests from 11 different agencies and 10 non-agency requests. This was the highest monthly number of bags distributed this year. As the situation arose where the food cupboards were almost bare a plea went out from our Senior Pastor to those in positions of leadership within West Suffolk Vineyard Church asking for help in providing urgent supplies of food and toiletries. The result was that on the following Sunday two cars needed to be used to transport all the food to the Vineyard Centre. Thank you God and thank you to all those who responded quickly and willingly.

We have shared with the whole church the on going need for food to come in. If everyone just puts 2 or 3 extra cans of food in their shopping trolley each week, or alternatively those who shop on-line can arrange for a delivery of food to be sent to the Vineyard Centre any week-day morning-this will ensure the cupboards are filled, and that the increasing demand we seem to be experiencing at present will be met.

Since our recent appeal more food has been coming in and the cupboards are looking quite healthy. Thank you to all those who have responded. We need to keep the momentum going. As we give food to the work of Storehouse we are demonstrating God’s love to those in need, and doing just what Jesus did.

Please continue to pray for the work of Storehouse, that God would bless each person that receives a bag.

Please note we are currently in need of the following items:
• Tea (individually foiled packets)
• Sugar (small packets)
• Cereals
• UHT milk
• Desserts
• Snacks
• Soup
• Pot noodles
• Shampoo
• Food for people without cooking facilities

Once again “thank you” to all those who support the work of Storehouse in any way.
God bless you,
Andrew & Mary Soman

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Storehouse News
April was again a busy month when 91 bags of food were given out, resulting from requests from 11 different agencies, with two non-agency requests. During the last three months compared with the same period last year the number of food bags given out has increased by nearly 60%. We constantly need a supply of food and toiletries coming into the work of Storehouse, so we can continue to provide those in need with food supplies.

At the moment we are short of the following items:
• Milk
• Biscuits/snacks
• Cereals
• Tea (individually foiled packets)
• Sugar (small packets)
• Desserts
• Toothpaste
• Food for people without cooking facilities

Recently we held a “get together” with those who are involved with packing bags and meeting clients in the office. This was a very encouraging time when we were able to thank God for what He has done through the Storehouse ministry, share any stories of positive encounters with clients , talk through any practical issues in order to improve the way we do things and pray for God’s blessing on the ongoing work of Storehouse . One of the things agreed at the meeting was to keep a supply of bread in the freezer. This would be especially useful for homeless people, also for families. From now on we will not split boxes of tea, unless it contains individually foiled packets. Likewise, if clients want sugar, we will give a full bag. (Small bags will be preferred.)

It is always good to share positive experiences we have had with clients or agencies. One such instance took place recently when a client on collecting his food bag stayed for a drink, had a chat with team members and was willing to be prayed for. He expressed his appreciation that there were those who cared enough to spend time with him in such a way. On another occasion when collecting his food bag the person said “thank you for the wonderful job you do.” These are real encouragements and show us how much the work of Storehouse is valued . It is a real privilege to be able to share God’s love in such a practical way to those in need.

Thank you to all those who support this work. God bless you.
Andrew & Mary Soman

Monday, 11 April 2011

Storehouse Update

March has been another busy month within Storehouse. A total of 102 bags were given out , resulting from requests by 12 different agencies and 4 non-agency requests. As in February, this number of bags was considerably higher when compared with the corresponding month last year.

Please continue to bring in food and toiletries, so that within the current economic climate we are able to help those in our local community who find themselves in a needy and vulnerable position. At present we are specifically short of the following items:

  • Baked beans

  • Soup

  • Pot Noodles

  • Desserts

  • Tinned potatoes

  • Tea (individually foiled packets)

  • Sugar (small packets)

  • Biscuits

  • Small cartons of drink

We would like to thank other local churches , as well as members of West Suffolk Vineyard Church for continuing to support the work of Storehouse, either by providing food supplies, packing bags, or by praying for God’s blessing on this vital work. We know the agencies that refer clients to us, and the clients themselves very much value the work we do. We know too that it is something on God’s heart.

Keep the food coming in! Thank you.

Andrew & Mary Soman

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Storehouse busy-ness

Firstly a big “thank you” to all those from West Suffolk Vineyard Church and other churches who have given food and toiletries towards the work of Storehouse during the last month. It is a real privilege to provide practical help to those who are in need.

During February a total of 114 bags were given out. This resulted from requests being made by 11 different agencies and 4 non-agency requests. Compared with February last year when the number was 68, this shows a substantial increase. As a result stocks of food are getting very low. We especially need the following items:

· Soup

· Tinned meat

· Tinned vegetables

· Tinned or packet potatoes

· Pot noodles

· UHT milk

· Desserts

· Tea

· Sugar

· Biscuits

· Food for those with no cooking facilities

If everyone is able to bring 2 cans/items we will be able to re-stock the cupboards and continue to meet the ongoing needs of those people who are referred to us.

We are so grateful to a great team of volunteers who come into the office one morning a week to pack bags and meet callers. Also thanks are due to those individuals who have provided food at short notice. During February we received a cheque from a local church for Storehouse. This was as a result of donations given at a Christmas school service. It is so encouraging to know that other churches are continuing to support the work of Storehouse.

Thank you once again to all those who give food and toiletries to this vital work. Please continue to keep the food supplies coming in and pray that God will bless Storehouse and use it for His glory in Bury St Edmunds and the surrounding area.

Andrew & Mary Soman

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Storehouse News

Happy New Year to all those who support the work of Storehouse in any way. May you know God’s rich blessings on your lives as you serve Him.

In December Storehouse gave out a total of 84 bags, as a result of requests from 14 different agencies and 3 Non-Agency requests.

During December one of the agencies gave Storehouse some boxes of food, that had been collected from their staff. We also received a financial donation from members of staff working at another agency. This was really encouraging to know that employees of these agencies very much value the ongoing help given by Storehouse to their clients.

As a result of a Christmas collection one local church gave Storehouse several boxes and bags of milk, cereals and other produce that considerably helped bolster up the food cupboards. Another local church has said they want to promote the work of Storehouse amongst their congregation. This is such an encouragement and source of blessing to know that other churches in the area are “catching the vision” of Storehouse, and feel able to support this existing project.

January has seen a significant increase in number of volunteers working in the office packing bags. It has been really encouraging to see more people within the church getting involved in different ways within Storehouse. The following message from one of the new team members highlights their experience of working within the team:

“For just two hours a week by helping to prepare bags of food for those who would otherwise go hungry, I feel I am able to play my part in seeing these people blessed. For me personally it is time well spent in expressing mercy and kindness to those in need within the community. Matthew 10 v 8: Freely you have received, freely give.”

Please keep the supply of food and toiletries coming in. The clients we provide for very much value these practical provisions. At present we need the following essential items:

  • Tinned meats
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Sugar & tea
  • Desserts

Thank you once again for your partnership in this work.

Andrew & Mary Soman