Thursday, 22 September 2011

Storehouse News
August was again a busy month within Storehouse, as we gave out a total of 114 food bags, resulting from requests from 14 different agencies and 2 non-agency requests. July and August have shown that by far the greatest number of requests have come from the drug-related agencies.
During the next few weeks we are expecting several schools and churches to give Storehouse the produce from their Harvest celebrations. This will be very welcomed in order to top up the food cupboards. Please pray that as we are asked to share the work of Storehouse within the schools and churches that God’s love would be seen through this practical ministry.
We have eventually used up the many tins of tuna that we were given some time ago, so please add fish to your shopping list again! At present we are especially short of the following items:
• Meat
• Tinned potatoes
• Vegetables
• Desserts
• Fish
• Tinned soup
• Food for people without cooking facilities
Don’t forget “two-cans” can really make a difference.
Thank you for supporting this vital work.
May God bless you.
Andrew & Mary Soman

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