Thursday, 2 August 2012

Storehouse Update

June and July have continued to see a large number of bags being distributed. In June we gave out 143 bags and in July 122 bags were given out.

Following the recent death of Shirley Dickson, who had been on the Storehouse Team for some time, Shirley’s family agreed that any financial donations at Shirley’s funeral be made to Storehouse. This has been very much appreciated. It shows that the work of Storehouse, reaching out to those in need in our local community with God’s love, was very dear to Shirley’s heart.

We would like to thank Clare, a member of the Storehouse Team, who has recently moved on from her involvement with this ministry.

As the food cupboards are starting to look a bit bare again, don’t forget to buy your “two-cans.”  We especially need the following items:
·         Cereals
·         Milk
·         Tinned potatoes
·         Meat
·         Vegetables
·         Desserts
·         Fish
·         Soup
·         Food for people with no-cooking facilities

Thank you to all those who continue to support this vital work of Storehouse.
God bless you,
Andrew and Mary Soman

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